Saturday, November 7, 2015

Too Many Black Organizations Doing Nothing

Stop Talking And Start Walking

We have far too many African Americans wanting to stand behind podiums giving speeches and preaching to a group of people that have heard it all and need true and lasting change. Not another debate. Not another round talk meeting and defiantly not another march up and down streets.

The African American communities have no resources and excessive police. And with all the negro leagues and urban leagues and any other black organization that exist today is robbing the community more. This includes our institutions of religions. Where is the money that black people give to you, going? Why havent you used these funds to develop real resources thats conducive to the growth of the African American communities?

We all know the apparent issue. The issue is our Government prefer to put excessive police in our communities instead of excessive resources that are wholesome and designed for growth. They have not and will not help our pleding community. So why are you as a black organization still talking to a group of people that have heard it all??

The community need change and need it now because if you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problems.
 African Americans, start today, giving to organizations that are actually using your money for the development of your communities. Not to pay thier expensive rent or to hold another seminar. There are far too many issues and far too many people talking and not walking. Just look at YouTube. Talj talk talk but no action!!

In 2016 if you are giving your money to organizations that are idle or if you claim to be an organization for African Americans and doing nothing, we will expose you for the lazy fools you are. We are not taking any type of slave like lazy mentally into 2016. This is a movement and movement means to move from one place to another. But far too many movements are sitting idle collecting funds and doing nothing but talking and calling it a movement. WE ARE ACTUALLY MOVING IN 2016! . No more talk.

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