Saturday, November 21, 2015

An Open Letter To BOKO HARAM From African America


Hey Boko Haram, you have been labeled the number 1 terrorist group in the world!! Thats funny coming from the number 1 terrorist country. Being their number 1 is big business! That's huge in their world. Why are you just limited to targeting your brothers in Nigeria? Why not expand your operation to benefit Africa and not against her? Its true that you hate the west. Most Africans do. Many in America are just too sheep like, to say it. They depend on the pink face Caucasian to survive, so its like control. You are the number 1, so why is ISIS getting all the attention when it comes to the west? Why is your operation only in the belly of Africa and not in places where the Government turn a blind eye to black brutality?

In America there are hate groups that become apart of society to make it look as if things are just happening randomly. There is a group called KKK in America that hide behind, ugly looking mask, they hide in police uniforms, judge suits and ordinary civilian clothing, making it ok to kill your brothers and sisters. They have depleted black communities of all resources making it hard to survive without doing things that will put you in jail. What I'm saying BOKO Haram is, the west is a horrible place. We can both agree on that. Fighting Nigeria is like trying to kill a weed plant but focusing on the leaves. If you want to kill a weed plant, focus on the roots. Get to the western countries and get to the root of the problem!

Think big. Reach beyond Africa and live up to your name. The brothers and sisters in western countries could use you. They are too sheep like to say it. They rather hurt each other than those whom need to be hurt. They believe in turning the other cheek while the enemy cause havoc! They are weak, like sheep led to the slaughter. You have hate groups that are allowed to not only exist but to kill and put fear in your brothers. We are not saying stop what you are doing. We are saying leave Nigeria and confront those racist entities around the globe. You will reach superstar status! You will be seen as the new BLACK HERO!! Not only will you become even more potent but you will have many supporters in the west who will support you to the fullest to deal with the racist west and the killings and mistreatment of your people! Think bugger than just Nigeria. Come out of hiding and operate in full daylight. If America can have a hate group for Caucasians, we welcome you to represent us as our very own hate group! 

Africa is in growth mode and about to break the back of the West. Brining your organization to the USA will speed up the process. It cost pennies to travel from Africa to the USA, Europe and other countries thats hostile to us. Your travel is not long. Expand your operation and live up to your number 1 status. Do it for your people worldwide.

We will expect you soon Thanks. 

BOKO HARAM Lets join forces to exterminate our foes 2016
From your brothers and sister in America!


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