Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Taking Back Our Education For A Better Future

The problem with America education and its education system is that it does not include black people from Africa or any other location like it should. Their education system is unfair and gives education from the view of one race and one side. For example, Caucasian history literally begins with Christopher Columbus discovering America, but we all know thats a lie. He did not discover America. He came with other men, killed innocent people, took their land, raped their women, killed their men, etc. This is the true story from a real point of view. This is the history that kids need to hear. Our black children also need to know that their history extends far far far beyond what Christopher Columbus done. Its not that our kids cant learn. The real problem is they are not inspired to learn when its not about them. Kids grow up, sitting long hours at a school that have nothing for them because its not about them. We believe that kids learn better with Eastern education because it includes them. We believe that African kids learn better from Eastern education because it includes them in every aspect of history. When children are deprived from learning their true history, it creates a big gulf in their life. It creates confusion and can cause one to be led astray by anything comes along. However kids that know their rich history becomes leaders in life.

We are in the process of creating and designing a curriculum which keeps our children as the focal point while stimulating and massaging their minds.  Children will learn about their ancestors, inventors, history, battles, mathematics and African business and art. But most of all they will have a golden chance to see where they fit in, in the story.

The course will be available for young babies up to teenage. This curriculum comes with a pen-pal type service for our students, in America and Africa, to begin to connect with each other. They will write each other via mail and/or a website. They will be able to correspond, connect and build a relationship with each other. The purpose of this is to give the next generation something that our generation didn't have, That is an actually bond with our distant relatives.

Education is very important to us. We believe that through proper education, our kids will become the global leaders of tomorrow world. Its important that our kids are smarter, stronger and more stable than any other group on earth. Black kids are naturally thirsty for knowledge and catch on to new information quickly. Lets take advantage of this time and pour a tremendous amount of knowledge and information inside of them. We want our children to be smart with all of Africa's resources and to keep Africa's wealth within the black race. We don't wont our children becoming victims of criminals and their greed. This is why we will always invest in our youth education. Its all about the future of our children,

Our curriculum will start in Dallas TX at Community Academy Learning and Mind Body And Soul, early January. We will launch in Chicago IL and Monrovia Liberia early spring. 

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